Friday 10 October 2014

2D Animation Scale and Rotate Exercise

      I have created a new flashFile Action Script 3.0 in Flash CS6. Then I changed the size of the stage to 600 pixels by 550 pixels and I have a frame rate of 25fps.

Then I imported the image of the green eye into the library in flash. Then I put the image of the eye onto the stage.

 After I put the eye on the stage I converted the eye into a symbol as a graphic by using Modify>Convert to.

I changed the size of the eye by using Modify>Transform>Scale to reduce the image in Frame 1 to a maximum of 40 px in height.

 Then I selected key frame 100 and I made the eye bigger by using Modify>Transform>Scale to enlarge the Eye and to fill the stage but I made sure to not overlap the edges.

I have flipped the image vertically by using Modify>Transform>Flip vertical and I used the right Mouse button to create a Classic Tween.

 I have saved the animation and I have exported as a animated gif.

Friday 3 October 2014

Shape tween exercise

2D ANIMATION shape Tween Exercise

I have created  a New File Action Script 3.0 in Flash CS6 that  I  have a frame rate of 25fps and a stage size of 550 pixels by 400 pixels.

    This is an image of the first shapes which I put onto the stage and they are 2 primitive ovals and 1 rectangle and I put them on the stage by using the shape tool.

I selected a key frame of 100 on the timeline.

I have moved the anchor point son the shapes to distort them and I have turned the shapes into the shape of a car. Then I placed the right mouse button over the shapes and I selected shape tween.

  After i finished I tested my animation and it worked and then I saved it by going on  Save as and saving it as a .fla file. Then I exported it as a animated gif to put on my blog.

This is my finished animation